
儿童创意贴画 蛋糕纸手工章鱼

章鱼 蛋糕纸手工 燕麦圈手工
儿童创意贴画 蛋糕纸手工章鱼
儿童创意贴画 蛋糕纸手工章鱼
儿童创意贴画 蛋糕纸手工章鱼

儿童创意贴画 蛋糕纸手工章鱼

儿童创意贴画 蛋糕纸手工章鱼

儿童创意贴画 蛋糕纸手工章鱼

推荐有关章鱼的英语绘本故事书Ruth Galloway的《Tickly Octopus》
儿童创意贴画 蛋糕纸手工章鱼
Under the sea lives tickly octopus.
he has eight twisty tentacles that he can wave.
he uses them to swim really fast.
he plays catch the bubble with crab.
but what he likes best is to tickle his friends!